The plants originated from South America. Petunias are cousins of the tomatoes, potatoes, tobacco and chillingly the deadly nightshade. [...]
The plants originated from South America. Petunias are cousins of the tomatoes, potatoes, tobacco and chillingly the deadly nightshade. [...]
The sunflower is mine, in a way.” ― Vincent van Gogh Sunflowers, those bright yellow flowers on tall stalks, bring a beautiful splash of colour to any garden and they are relatively easy to maintain. There are some 82-plus native species of sunflowers or Helianthus in North America. Several of the more common species stand [...]
At camps, provincial and municipal parks, our little “friends” can become quite tame and actually walk on your pant leg or take food directly from your hand when trained. [...]
Red-breasted nut-hatches Conservation Sudbury’s second annual Christmas Bird Count for Kids will be held on Saturday, Jan. 3 at the Lake Laurentian Conservation Area Nature Chalet (2309 South Bay Rd.) from 9 am to 2:00 pm. Participants will be introduced to our local winter bird species, then head out in birding teams with an [...]
There are about 22 species of warblers that call Sudbury home. A friend of mine got himself engaged over a warbler. They now have two kids. A warbler you say? What is that? How can someone get engaged over a bird? The warm southernly breezes in spring, particularly May, bring us these [...]
Count yourself lucky if you see a a great grey owl. It is an early windless morning in the dead of winter. Inside the car, the heater is pumping out warm air to keep the windshield clear and the occupants warm as the car makes its way down a regional road in the countryside [...]
Having kept the thermostat down last night, there is a real reluctance to get out of bed, but this one must do. I grab a gown and walk down the stairs as the morning light is passing through the kitchen window. No fresh snow today but the white ground is covered well. Hanging from the [...]
There are seven of them this year. Tall, large, white elegant shapes that float upon the water like small ships. A small ripple is all that is left as they swim by. Careful observation can see the large black webbed feet on the upward thrust that propels them so elegantly. These creatures have long, robust [...]
I have been chastised by my neighbours in a lighthearted way about the jungle in my backyard. Instead of a conventional, fine trimmed green carpet, I have elected to attract as much wildlife as I can in what might be called an urban habitat. It is a place that creatures of many walks of life [...]