Sudbury Living
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Patricia Mills

Northern Ontario deserves a capital N

This is a note I sent to Canadian Press this morning. I listened with interest to your discussion with CBC Radio North’s Markus Schwabe today regarding CP capitalization policy on Northern Ontario (northern Ontario). As a reporter, and later an editor in Sudbury, I capitalize Northern Ontario-but not northeastern Ontario or northwestern. I believe when [...]

January 7, 2010 Vicki Gilhula Vicki Gilhula 0

Be happy, turn off the TV

American sociologists say people who read newspapers (and magazines!!!) and socialize more are happier than those who watch a lot of TV. The study by sociologists at the University of Maryland concludes unhappy people watch more TV, while people who describe themselves as “very happy” spend more time reading and socializing. “TV doesn’t really seem [...]

January 15, 2009 Vicki Gilhula Vicki Gilhula 0

Merry Christmas?

This just in: Subject: Toys of Misery Made in Abusive Chinese Sweatshops The U.S. National Labor Committee has issued a comprehensive new report. The full report is available on the NLCnet home page and has many photos. Toys of Misery Made in Abusive Chinese Sweatshops Chinese workers work excessive overtime and are paid illegally [...]

December 12, 2008 Vicki Gilhula Vicki Gilhula 0

Hockey not Canadian!

Consider this news release from United Here, a labour group that is waking up Canadians to the fact that there is a good reason the number of Canadian manufacturing jobs are shrinking. CNW/ - Labour union, UNITE HERE announced today it has launched a cross country campaign to persuade Reebok to bring back to Canada [...]

November 27, 2008 Vicki Gilhula Vicki Gilhula 0

Chocolate bread pudding!

This weekend I am planning on making the bread pudding recipe on the new Milk Calendar. The following is some information on healthy food options and the release includes a recipe for chocolate bread pudding. Make Popular Holiday Foods Healthier T’is the season to eat, but that’s no reason to be unhealthy during the holidays. [...]

November 26, 2008 Vicki Gilhula Vicki Gilhula 0

Music for a desert island

The BBC Radio program Desert Island Discs first broadcast in 1942 and is the longest-running music program in the history of radio. Program guests, including prime ministers, princes and pop stars, select eight pieces of music they would want to take with them if they were castaways on a desert island. The music is played [...]

April 23, 2008 Vicki Gilhula Vicki Gilhula 0

When in Rome…

Russell Smith, the Globe and Mail’s men’s fashion expert, advises men to leave their Tilley hats at home when they go to Rome…if they don’t want to look like tourists. Most North American tourists tend to dress for a day at the beach not the city when they travel in Europe (and they really, really [...]

April 7, 2008 Vicki Gilhula Vicki Gilhula 0

I Like Campbell’s Soup

On the blog Welcome to My MidLife Crisis, in the unexplained mysteries section, someone has taken issue with my Christmas short story about growing up in a mining town during the longest strike in North American history because I identified Campbell’s Tomato Soup in the opening sentence. Sorry! I like Campbell’s Tomato Soup, it is [...]

January 28, 2008 Vicki Gilhula Vicki Gilhula 0