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Chiropractic care helps people live with ease not disease

The Ontario Chiropractic Association reports approximately 1.43 million Ontarians visit a chiropractor each year. In this province alone, 11 percent of the population chooses chiropractic care. The benefits of chiropractic extend far beyond pain relief. Treatment can be effective for many situations, health conditions and ages. Chiropractors can help adults, teens and children achieve better [...]

September 1, 2010 Judi Koski Health/Beauty/Active Lifestyles 0

A good night’s sleep important

A study published by the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine suggests switching to a new mattress can significantly help reduce back pain and stiffness.Winter 2008A study published by the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine suggests switching to a new mattress can significantly help reduce back pain and stiffness. The study by Oklahoma State University found subjects who [...]

November 1, 2008 Vicki Gilhula Health/Beauty/Active Lifestyles 0